How tune Xrumer to post infinitely

Hello to all Xrumer present and future users, this article is presented under the competition of botmaster labs. As you know – Xrumer 7.07 Elite is a ultimate posting and link building tool, but it take some time to prepare projects – fill the fields, register e-mail etc. Today I want to show how to minimize this kind of work.

Initial preparations

Let’s create a new project. Click this option on menu bar, then click “Autofilling” button and see what kind of fields prevents us to register new user again. Those fields are:
1. Nick (also known as login for the forum)
2. Email-address (not e-mail login)

Any other field will not prevent us to register at the same forum again, so we’ll need to find how to randomize it.

Lets take a look at the “Nick” field – by defaut Xrumer fills it with “#gennick[identify]” macros, which generates random name, but it binds to domain name and to identify, so it will random at every domain, but if you run posting again it will be “user already exists” error when registering new user. So lets ignore this macros, a take another – #random[range], which generates the value of the specified range, for example #random[a..z] will generate 1 random letter from a to z. Let’s use this macros and fill the “Nick” field like this


which generates us BadSantajip, BadSantavsl etc.

OK, now lets deal with “E-mail” field.
First way to get random e-mails in every registration is using feature or bug 🙂 in Gmail, which consists of the following – Gmail doesn’t recognize dots as characters within usernames, you can add or remove the dots from a Gmail address without changing the actual destination address; they’ll all go to your inbox, and only yours.

Let’s say that your email address is ‘’, basically everything sent to any of the following email addresses

will be forwarded to This e-mails are the same for Gmail – but different for forums. So let’s do the next steps:
Step 1 Register at (You can simply do it with the Xrumer, by select “” from “E-mail server” field and press “Register” button. Note: this field is for registering only – it doesn’t affect posting process, but registering will fail if google wants to approve you via SMS or Voice call)
Step 2 Login in gmail and disable antispam by creating a filter which never or always will be executed (skip this step if you registering via Xrumer – it already done it). For example: go to the “options” (a gear at right top corner) – “Mail settings” – “Filters”, setup filter:

From: @
click [Next Step] Choose action – mark Never send it to Spam
click [Create Filter]

Step 3 Download any program or script, which can add dots in gmail address and save it to file – each e-mail adresss as separate string. I’m using Gmails Generator for this purpose, it is on the russian – but it has only 1 button to generate and save file with e-mails, so I don’t expect any difficulties to work with it. Here is the result:

Step 4 Launch Xrumer and setup a new project in it. Let’s use the #filelinks macros to insert target e-mails in project, this macros can insert 1 or more strings in project, the target syntax for our project is


But Xrumer rise an error, when you trying to save the project :(, because it searches the @ symbol in “E-mail address” field, so add this symbol to filename with e-mails like this @emails.txt, and modify the macros in this way:


and all goes well. Also you can simply open file with project (it looks like projectname.xml and can be found in projects folder) with text editor – and make any changes in it without any kind of limitations. Fill all other fields in project for your purposes, but with one hint – use macroses #filelinks and #file macroses for all fileds that will be changed during the posting – topic name, description, text etc (I’ll explain the it later), so the result will be look similar to this.


Lets setup the Xrumer to repeat the posting process using the build-in scheduler, on Event “Posting Finished” do a Job “Start posting from beginnig” – but usually it not works :(, because some threads may freeze during the posting and event “Posting Finished” will never rise… So lets use another events and setup scheduler like this:

where “500” is the last position of your base, so if you have larger base, modify this value according to the last position of your links list file, and add to the end of it about 100-500 unsuccessful links to prevent stop posting before events in scheduler are rised. Settings at screenshot are for “register only” mode, but it simply can be extended with corresponding “Jobs” options.

Ok, now reveal the main purpose of #filelinks and #file macroses in project – it will provide data modifying during the posting process without stopping the Xrumer. Simply change content in files, that are included in project, and it changed in posting. But the data in files are cached, you can tune the cache time via xuser.ini file, section AdvOptions, parametres URLLOAD_CASHTIME for links and LOCALFILE_CASHTIME for local files, sets in seconds, default values are 120 seconds. In other words Xrumer refreshes data from the files every 120 seconds and usually it is enough for almost all projects.

Go for it!

So, using the methodics above, you can setup only 1 project using macroses, set it to infinite loop via scheduler and make changes in posted content on the fly, without stopping the big X and registering new e-mail for every project. Of course, you need periodically stop Xrumer and change e-mail box becasue of growning rate of thrash e-mails, but register new e-mail one time per week – it is not the same as register new e-mail one or more time per day. I also prepared a 1024×768 video for this article and uploaded a copy to youtube. Enjoy!

Thanks for your attention, if you want to buy Xrumer – it is right time to do it now via my – you’ll get my consultations and free base with about 40.000 success registrations. You can contact me by posting a comment, leaving your skype name or e-mail, all comments come through moderation and will not be shared for everyone.

One thought on “How tune Xrumer to post infinitely”

  1. Hello, I’m trying to set up XRumer to post infinitely! Could you please help me with a free base of the 40.000 success registrations? Can I use that database to post to work with XRumer on it?

    Thanks in advance!


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